Registration for the Emerging Leaders Academy is now closed.

Registration for the Emerging Leaders Academy is now closed.
Company Officer Leadership Symposium
We are proud to offer the IAFC Officer Development Program at this year’s convention. This year we will offer Company Officer Leadership Symposium – Level One (COLS1). COLS does not need to be done in order.
Gain the leadership and management skills to excel in your current position while preparing for future career advancement with a perfect combination of what company officers need and what chief officers expect of you. COLS is a three-level program designed to meet the specific management and training needs of company officers based on their roles and responsibilities.
The program is designed to meet the job performance requirements outlined in NFPA 1021 and follows leadership standards published by the IAFC in the Officer Development Handbook.
COLS 1 participants must attend all sessions, attend the General Sessions, and visit exhibitors and sponsors during dedicated exhibit hall time. Be sure to obtain the Validation Code for the General Session and the exhibit hall. Due to schedule restrictions, we may record concurrent sessions. Those who wish to receive the certificate must watch the recordings on their own time after the convention (approximately 4 hours).