The Rocky Mountain Emergency Services Training Center located at the Helena Regional Airport in Helena, MT will be conducting a 40 Hour Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting Course over two weekends in May and a second course over two weekends in July. Lewis and Clark County is the grantee for these courses and they are intended to supply training to all paid and volunteer fire agencies not funded with Federal dollars statewide. The County has secured a grant to cover all training, lodging, travel and per diem costs and are offering this program free of charge to fire agencies statewide. The purpose is to familiarize firefighters statewide with the training necessary to mitigate hazards within the realm of aircraft emergencies and incidents as more than 85% of aircraft crashes occur off of airport property. We are looking for fire protection organizations to provide 12 students for each course. The course is scheduled for two weekends to accommodate volunteer companies, each student will attend both weekends to obtain a certificate. The dates for the first course are May 14-15 and May 21-22 and the dates for the second course are July 16-17 and July 23-24, 2021. This is being conducted as the third year of a three-year program and all seats in these courses are available to firefighters statewide.
The ARFF 40 Hour Basic Course covers all eleven Federal Aviation Administration essential topics for ARFF certification. Approximately 20 hours of the course is in the classroom and 20 hours is live fire training. This course provides students with the fundamental knowledge and skills necessary to effectively manage and mitigate an aircraft emergency. The course will develop the students’ knowledge of basic firefighting and rescue principles. It also prepares the student to quickly respond to an aircraft emergency scene ready to suppress and control fuel spill fires, evacuate, and rescue passengers. The student will become proficient in extinguishing wheel, engine, interior cabin, and compartment fires. Instruction is given in aircraft and airport familiarization, apparatus driving, operation and equipment, personal protective equipment, safety, planning, communications, aircraft fire fighting and rescue procedures, and hazardous materials. Students receive live fire experience and training in accordance with CFR 139.319 and CARS 323.
Prerequisite: Must be clean shaven with no facial hair that would impede or interfere with an SCBA facepiece seal, physically able to secure Self Contained Breathing Apparatus with facepiece and perform physically demanding tasks.
Feel free to contact me to register for this course or if you have any questions or concerns and check out our website and video at https://rmestc.com/
Kelly Tuck
RMESTC Coordinator
Helena Regional Airport
2850 Mercer Loop
Helena, MT 59602
406-431-0678 mobile
[email protected]