January 26, 2021 Dear MSFCA Members, This serves as notice regarding an amendment to the MSFCA Bylaws. The MSFCA Board of Directors made a slight clarification to the bylaws regarding when the term of board members will begin, Article II – Section 4 – Terms of Office. OLD: Elected officers from the Sections shall hold office for three (3) year or until their successor has been elected or qualified. Elected officers’ term of office shall officially start at the close of the elections or on a date specified by the Board. All terms shall be staggered. REVISED: Elected officers from the Sections shall hold office for three (3) year or until their successor has been elected or qualified. Elected officers’ term of office shall officially start at the first board meeting after the election. at the close of the elections or on a date specified by the Board. All terms shall be staggered. Per the Bylaws, Article XI, Section 1:Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) affirmative vote of the active membership voting, provided that Active members of this Association shall have been given appropriate notice of the proposed amendment thirty (30) days prior to the conclusion of voting. In 30 days from now, we will send another email for members to vote about this amendment. Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions or comments. Bylaws |