Evaluation and Acceptance of Emergency Breathing Support Systems (Buddy Breathers) Incorporated into SCBA Approvals.
NIOSH is revising its policy on the use of Emergency Breathing Support Systems (EBSS), also known as Buddy Breathers. This policy change is being made coincident with the addition of requirements related to the use and operation of these devices in the NFPA 1981, 2013 edition. This policy change will be applicable only to SCBAs meeting the requirements of NFPA 1981, 2013, or subsequent editions. NIOSH will recognize NFPA 1981, 2013-compliant EBSS systems as a part of the NIOSH SCBA approval for users who have received the appropriate level of training. Users will be able to identify approvals for SCBA which incorporate the required hardware by the explicit listing of an additional EBSS statement to the standard cautions and limitations on the approval label. The statement will signify the EBSS components have been evaluated by NIOSH and accepted as meeting the requirements for EBSS under the requirements of NFPA 1981, Revision 2013.